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Unidentified dulcimer in Diss Museum

     a      b

     c      d      e      f



Dimensions of this dulcimer

Unidentified dulcimer in Stranger's Hall Museum, Norwich

This photo and the following description was published in the Eastern Daily Press newspaper:

"A recent addition to the collection at the Strangers Hall museum in 1964 was this Norfolk hammer or hammered dulcimer, seen in the foreground. The instrument is played either by striking the string with a small hammer or plucking it with a hooked rod.

(The instrument in the background is an accordzither a musical hybrid combining keys and strings made by the Dresden firm of Muller.)"

     a      b

     c      d      e      f


Dimensions of this dulcimer

Unidentified dulcimer in Gressinghall Museum

(until 1976 this dulcimer was housed in the Castle Museum, Norwich)

     a      b

     c      d      e      f

Click on a thumbnail to see a larger picture

Dimensions of this dulcimer


Photo descriptions & sources

Diss Museum

a. Dulcimer front (john Howson)

b. Dulcimer back (JH)

c. Dulcimer front 2 (JH)

d. Dulcimer stand (JH)

e. Dulcimer side (JH)

f.  Case  (JH)

g. Beaters  (JH)

Stranger's Hall Museum

a. Dulcimer front (john Howson)

b. Dulcimer back (JH)

c. Dulcimer sound holes (JH)

d. Dulcimer front edge (JH)

e. Dulcimer back edge (JH)

f.  Dulcimer front 2  (JH)

g. Beaters  (JH)


Gressinghall Museum

a. Dulcimer front (john Howson)


b. Dulcimer back (JH)

c. Dulcimer side (JH)

d. Dulcimer stand (JH)

e. Dulcimer sound hole (JH)

f. Beaters and tuning key (JH)


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