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George Henry 'Harry' Punt (1856-1944)


Harry Punt was born in Fersfield in January 1856 and died in June 1944. His dulcimer passed down to his granddaughter Connie Hannant and she and her son Ivan brought it along to a dulcimer event in 2005 organised by the East Anglian Traditional Music Trust. Connie was born in 1913, and remembered her grandfather playing when she was a little girl.

In the 1880s Harry was a self-employed small farmer, later on he worked on farms as a horseman around the village of Pulham St. Mary and a Kelly’s 1888 directory describes him as a beer retailer in the village. Connie recalled that he liked his beer and used to play the dulcimer in pubs. She was born in 1913 and remembered him playing when she was a little girl.

Harry Punt's dulcimer









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Photo descriptions & sources

a. Harry Punt's dulcimer front (John Howson)

b. Harry Punt's dulcimer (JH)


c. Ivan Hannant (Harry Punt's great grandson) with his mother Connie and Harry Punt's dulcimer (JH)

d. Harry Punt's dulcimer bridges (JH)



e. Harry Punt's dulcimer sound hole (JH)

f. Harry Punt's beater (JH)


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